How to live an Orthodox Christian life

Icon of The Three Lights

Living an Orthodox Christian life is a journey rooted in the ancient traditions and teachings of the Eastern Orthodox Church. This path emphasizes a deep relationship with God, adherence to the sacraments, and a commitment to spiritual growth. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you embrace and live out the principles of Orthodox Christianity.

1. Participate in the Sacramental Life

Holy Communion: Regular participation in the Divine Liturgy and receiving the Eucharist is central to Orthodox Christian life. The Eucharist is considered the real presence of Christ, offering spiritual nourishment and unity with God and the Church community.

Confession: Regular confession is encouraged to seek forgiveness for sins and receive spiritual guidance. Confession helps in maintaining a pure heart and a clear conscience.

Baptism and Chrismation: Baptism is the initiation into the Christian life, and Chrismation (confirmation) bestows the gift of the Holy Spirit. These sacraments lay the foundation for living an Orthodox Christian life.

2. Daily Prayer and Worship

Prayer Rule: Establish a daily prayer routine, known as a prayer rule, which includes morning and evening prayers, and possibly the Jesus Prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” This practice fosters a continuous connection with God.

Icon Corners: Set up an icon corner in your home, a dedicated space for prayer and reflection. Icons are not just religious art but windows to the divine, aiding in prayer and contemplation.

3. Observe Fasting Periods

Fasting: Follow the Orthodox fasting guidelines, which include fasting on Wednesdays and Fridays, and during the four major fasting periods: Great Lent, Nativity Fast, Apostles’ Fast, and Dormition Fast. Fasting is a spiritual discipline that helps control bodily desires and focuses the mind on prayer and repentance.

4. Engage with Scripture and Spiritual Reading

Bible Reading: Regularly read and meditate on the Holy Scriptures. The Gospels, Psalms, and Epistles are particularly emphasized in Orthodox tradition.

Writings of the Church Fathers: Study the works of the Church Fathers and other spiritual writings to deepen your understanding of Orthodox theology and spiritual practices.

5. Live Out the Teachings of Christ

Love and Compassion: Emulate Christ’s love and compassion in your daily interactions. Love your neighbors, help those in need, and forgive those who wrong you.

Humility and Repentance: Cultivate humility and a spirit of repentance. Acknowledge your sins and seek to correct them, always striving to grow closer to God.

6. Participate in the Church Community

Liturgical Life: Actively participate in the liturgical life of the Church. Attend services beyond the Divine Liturgy, such as Vespers, Matins, and other feast day services.

Community Involvement: Engage with your parish community through fellowship, charitable activities, and communal events. The Church is a family, and being part of this family strengthens your faith and provides mutual support.

7. Seek Spiritual Guidance

Spiritual Father: Develop a relationship with a spiritual father (or mother), a mentor who provides guidance, advice, and support in your spiritual journey. This relationship is central to personal spiritual growth and accountability.

Monastic Wisdom: When possible, visit monasteries and seek the wisdom of monastics. Their lives dedicated to prayer and asceticism offer profound insights and inspiration.

8. Cultivate Inner Peace and Stillness

Hesychasm: Practice hesychasm, the tradition of inner stillness and prayer. This involves silent, continuous prayer, often the Jesus Prayer, fostering a deep communion with God.

Simplicity: Strive for a life of simplicity, avoiding the distractions of materialism and excess. Focus on what truly matters – your relationship with God and love for others.


Living an Orthodox Christian life is a transformative journey that encompasses daily prayer, participation in the sacraments, adherence to fasting traditions, and active involvement in the Church community. It is a life rooted in love, humility, and a continuous striving for holiness. By following these practices, you can deepen your relationship with God and live a life that reflects the beauty and depth of Orthodox Christianity.

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