Why Choose Orthodoxy and Not Other Christian Branches?

A Russian-speaking expat celebrating Easter lights a candle at the Christian Orthodox Church in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, April 24, 2022.
(AP Photo/Isabel Debre)

Choosing a religious path is a deeply personal decision, often influenced by a combination of history, theology, personal experiences, and spiritual seeking. The Eastern Orthodox Church, with its rich heritage and ancient traditions, presents a compelling case for those considering their place within the broader Christian spectrum. Here are several reasons why one might choose Orthodoxy over other Christian branches.

1. Historical Continuity

The Orthodox Church traces its origins directly to the early Christian communities established by the Apostles. It has maintained a continuous and unbroken line of apostolic succession and theological tradition since the time of Christ. For many, this historical continuity provides a sense of connection to the earliest expressions of the Christian faith, offering a direct link to the teachings and practices of the Apostles.

2. Liturgical Richness

Orthodox worship is characterized by its profound sense of the sacred and its rich liturgical life. The Divine Liturgy, the primary form of Orthodox worship, is steeped in symbolism, music, and ritual that engage all the senses. This liturgical experience is designed to draw the faithful into a deeper communion with God, making the spiritual realities tangible and accessible.

3. Theology of Mysticism and Experience

Orthodox Christianity emphasizes the experiential and mystical aspects of faith. It teaches that true knowledge of God is not merely intellectual but involves a transformative encounter with the Divine. Practices such as the Jesus Prayer and hesychasm (a tradition of inner stillness and prayer) are central to Orthodox spirituality, encouraging a direct, personal experience of God’s presence.

4. Emphasis on Holy Tradition

In Orthodoxy, Holy Tradition is regarded as the living transmission of the faith, encompassing not only the Scriptures but also the writings of the Church Fathers, the decisions of Ecumenical Councils, liturgical texts, and iconography. This holistic approach ensures that the faith is preserved and practiced in its fullness, without being subject to individual interpretation or modern trends.

5. Icons and the Incarnational Theology

Icons play a vital role in Orthodox worship and theology. They are not just religious art but are considered windows to the divine, providing a means for the faithful to encounter the holy. The veneration of icons is deeply rooted in the Incarnation of Christ, affirming that God took on flesh and can be depicted. This incarnational theology underscores the belief that the material world can be a conduit of divine grace.

6. Community and Unity

The Orthodox Church places a strong emphasis on community and unity. The concept of the Church as the Body of Christ is central, with a communal approach to salvation. This unity is reflected in the conciliar nature of the Church’s governance, where decisions are made collectively by bishops in council, rather than by a single authoritative figure.

7. Balanced Approach to Faith and Works

Orthodoxy teaches a balanced view of faith and works. Salvation is seen as a process of theosis, or deification, where believers participate in God’s divine nature. This involves both faith in God’s grace and active cooperation through good works, prayer, and participation in the sacraments. This holistic approach provides a comprehensive path to spiritual growth and transformation.

8. Preservation of Early Christian Teachings

Many choose Orthodoxy because it has preserved the theological and spiritual teachings of the early Church. This includes doctrines on the Trinity, Christology, and the nature of the Church, which were established through the early Ecumenical Councils. The Orthodox Church’s commitment to maintaining these teachings offers a sense of doctrinal stability and fidelity to the original Christian faith.


Choosing Orthodoxy is a decision that encompasses a desire for historical continuity, rich liturgical worship, mystical spirituality, and adherence to ancient traditions. For those seeking a deeply rooted and holistic expression of Christianity, the Eastern Orthodox Church provides a compelling and profound path. It offers a way to engage with the faith that is both deeply traditional and vibrantly alive, connecting believers to the timeless truths of the Christian faith.

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